1 So, when we could not stand it any longer [Note: Paul's concern for the spiritual well-being of the Thessalonian Christians became unbearable], we [i.e., I, See verse 5] thought it best to be left behind, alone, at Athens [Note: Paul was willing to labor alone at Athens, so he could send his fellow-workers to minister to others. See Acts 17], 2 and so we [i.e., I] sent Timothy, our brother and God's fellow-worker in [the ministry of] the Gospel, to strengthen and encourage you in your faith, 3 so that no one would be shaken by [having to experience] these difficult times. [See 2:14]. For you yourselves know that we are destined to have such experiences. 4 For even when we were with you, we warned you that we were going to be persecuted, and as you know, it has turned out that way. 5 [So], for this reason, when I could not stand it any longer, I also sent [Timothy] to find out about your faith. I was afraid that somehow the tempter [i.e., Satan] had tempted you [to give up] and that our work [on your behalf] will have become useless.
6 But now Timothy has returned to us from you and brought us good news about your faith and love, and [reported] that you have good memories of us. [He told us that you are] longing to see us, just as we also long to see you. 7 So, brothers, through all of our distress and persecution, we were encouraged over you because of your faith, 8 for now we [really] live, if you [continue to] stand firm in [the service of] the Lord [i.e., Paul could enjoy life much more in knowing that the Thessalonians were living for the Lord faithfully]. 9 For how can we thank God [enough] for you, in return for all the joy we have over you, in the presence of our God? 10 Night and day we pray very earnestly that we will be able to see you in person, so we can provide what is lacking in your faith.
11 Now may our God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus Christ, open the way for us to go to you. 12 And may the Lord cause your love for one another, and for everyone, to increase and overflow, just as ours does for you also. 13 May the Lord strengthen your hearts so you will be [found] without just blame and holy, in the presence of our God and Father, when our Lord Jesus Christ returns with all of His holy ones [i.e., angels. See Mark 8:38; II Thess. 1:7].